mai 28, 2015


Harley Quinn©
Poison Ivy©
Tools : Pilot color eno pencil (red and green), Pentel black ink brush, Neopiko liners, white pen, Posca withe marker
Format : A5 (148 x 210 mm)
Time : 4 hrs for Harley Quinn, 6hrs for Poison Ivy

It's been a while I didn't do the two of her and I still have fun ! I like the way they're sexy but different anyway : Harley is so mad and Ivy so fleshy !! Well, I do not know very much about the Batman universe but they are my favourite, with Catwoman. Maybe this last one will come next, I don't know yet.

Well I hope you'll like them !

mai 04, 2015


SAO - Character Design -

Tools : Pencil
Format : A4 (210 x 297 mm)

Time : about 6hrs

Sao is another of my character. I'm working on a one-shot about her so you may see her sooner than the other characters I introduce you !
Her name come from the greek mythology : Sao is one of the 50 Nereid (sea nymph).


- Hiro, Baymax & Tadashi -
Tools : pencil, ball-pen, Touch markers, white Posca marker
Format : 113 x 165 mm

Time : about 2hrs

I recently watched the very cool Big Hero 6 Disney movie. I enjoyed it very very very much !!! So touching, so funny, so badass at the time !!! And I totally fell in love with Tadashi xD !
If you don't have seen this movie yet, go ahead ! It worth it !

Enjoy !


Mizuko, Resshin, Arashi and  Môka are on a little island, taking some rest. Môka cannot lay down doing nothing and explore the jungle...

Tools : pencil, quills (maru-pen, G-pen), ink Kaimei, Deleter screeton (2 first pages only)
Format : B4 (353 x 250 mm)
Time : about 3 days

/!\ Japanese style ! Please read from right to left ! /!\

- Page 1 -

- Page 2 & 3 -

- Page 4 & 5 -

Sketches : Jaffas from Stargate, Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan

Tools : pencil, Paint Tool Sai
Format : A4 for the sketches, 2.70 x 7.70 m for the final
Time : 4 hrs for the sketches, 1 day for the entire line of the final

Last April (2015) was the Manga and Video Game convention in Toulouse, France. It is called TGS (for Toulouse Game Show) Springbreak (because it's the spring edition, as there is a winter edition, which is bigger).
We, my classmates, colleagues and I, were asked to do the design of the entrance poster. As the theme convention was Stargate (Michal Shanks was invited !), zombies (Greg Nicotero, from the Walking Dead), video games, manga and beach ! We made a mash-up of all of this and *tadaaaa*, here is the final poster !

As you can see, I drawn the jaffas, the stargate and the colossal titan. My classemates did the rest. Then, I had to line everything ! It was a huge work to do, but I'm pretty proud of what it looks like ! My colleagues and one of my classmate put it all in colour (they're absolutely better than me at colouring !!!).

This is a common work and it was a great experience ! I really enjoyed it !


Women body - Anatomy practice -

Tools : pencil, Pixlr express (phone)
Format : A4 (210 x 297 mm)
Time : about 2hrs

Heart - Anatomy practice -

Tools : Paint Tool Sai
Time : about 1hr

It's a thing I did'nt do before but since a few time I have fun drawing anatomy parts ! Sometimes  it's gerenal, like the first picture, sometimes it's more precise like the heart. Bonus : I learn a lot of things !

CHARACTER DESIGN : Mizuko & Resshin

MIZUKO- Character Design -
RESSHIN - Character Design -

Tools : pencil, quills (maru-pen, G-pen), ink Kaimei, Copic markers
Format : A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
Time : about 6hrs each

These are two of my many characters ! You might have seen them in other works. I'm not good at writing stories for now, so it's difficult for me to do manga pages. Then, I draw character design to be sure I know well how my characters are !

Mizuko, the mermaid, was first human being. If you look well, you'll see she has two fins, tied with seaweed. She can manipulate water but when she's on land, she lose every piece of mermaid she has ! Her name means "Child of water" in japanese.

Resshin is an orc. He's the strongest of his tribe and can manipulate ground and build strong walls. He's brutal at first met, but in fact he's like a bear : powerful and kind ! His name means "Violent earth tremor" in japanes too. Don't you ever push him to fury !

Hope you'll like them !


Mermaid WAKFU style
Merman WAKFU style

Tools : pencil, Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop
Time : about 6hrs each

I do fall in love with the french anime Wakfu, which come from the same named MMORPG !  The universe is amzing, characters are fabulous, design just awesome, and the story just rocks !!!! It's pretty mature for an anime so maybe it's not very popular for the 6-14 years old, but my generation loves it !
So, instead of making a fanart, I tried to draw something that could be part of the Wakfu world. And I like mermaid and merman, so there are the two of them ! I prefer the femal version, I think I did better. But my friends and family told me they look good the two, so I show them to you.

Enjoy !

STEP BY STEP - Elsa, Anna & Rapunzel

Elsa, Anna & Rapunzel - Step by step -

Tools : Coloured paper, pencil, quills (maru-pen), colour pencil, white Posca marker
Format : 100 mm x 15 mm
Time : about 4 hrs

This is a Christmas card I made for my last sister. We're three daughters and I think this fanart pretty look like us ! Except I'm not white hair... not yet xD ! 
Well, here a little basic step by step with sketch, ink and colours ! Enjoy !

STEP BY STEP - Clown-Mermaid

Clown-Mermaid - Step by step -

Tools : pencil, quills (maur-pen, G-pen), ink Kaimei, Copic markers
Format : A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)
Time : about 4 hrs

Here a step by step for colouring this drawing.
1 - Inking
2 - Shading white parts
3 - Adding orange
4 - Shading orange parts
5 - Adding red for hair
6 - Shading red parts
7 - Colouring rocks and corals
8 - Shading
9 - Colouring background
10 - FINAL with shades and lights

I saw a clown-mermaid drawn by another french artist and it made me want to draw my own so here she is ! She was funny to draw because of her fins shape and because red and white stripes give her a cool look !

I hope you'll enjoy !

STEP BY STEP - All at Ryokan !

All at Ryokan - step by step -

Tools : pencil, quills (maru-pen, G-pen), ink Kaimei, Copic markers, Posca markers
Format : A3 (287 mm x 420 mm)
Time : about 4 days (8hrs a day)

Here's a little "step by step" on the "All at Ryokan" artwork.
First step : sketchin. Second step : Inking. Last step : Colouring.

You can learn more about "All at Ryokan" in the article about, "original character" or "traditionnal drawing" or artwork" sections !


All at Ryokan !

Tools : pencil, quills (maru-pen, G-pen), ink Kaimei, Copic markers, Posca markers
Format : A3 (287 mm x 420 mm)
Time : about 4 days (8hrs a day)

This is an artwork I did for an exhibition in Tokyo, Japan, last summer (August 2014 - Speak Easy café, Kitaotsuka, Tokyo). This was an exhibition of our students works and our works. It was the first time we show our arts in Japan ; visitors gave us positive feedback !

The four main characters are mine. I hope I could draw the story one day. If you go to the "manga pages" section, you can see a try I did with them. The artwork was for Japan, so I put some references about manga/video games/movies I've got. You surely know them all :)
It was the first time I use such a big size of paper, and I was afraid of, but finally it was great : I could draw all my characters with details, it was really fun !

I hope you'll like it !