mai 04, 2015

Sketches : Jaffas from Stargate, Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan

Tools : pencil, Paint Tool Sai
Format : A4 for the sketches, 2.70 x 7.70 m for the final
Time : 4 hrs for the sketches, 1 day for the entire line of the final

Last April (2015) was the Manga and Video Game convention in Toulouse, France. It is called TGS (for Toulouse Game Show) Springbreak (because it's the spring edition, as there is a winter edition, which is bigger).
We, my classmates, colleagues and I, were asked to do the design of the entrance poster. As the theme convention was Stargate (Michal Shanks was invited !), zombies (Greg Nicotero, from the Walking Dead), video games, manga and beach ! We made a mash-up of all of this and *tadaaaa*, here is the final poster !

As you can see, I drawn the jaffas, the stargate and the colossal titan. My classemates did the rest. Then, I had to line everything ! It was a huge work to do, but I'm pretty proud of what it looks like ! My colleagues and one of my classmate put it all in colour (they're absolutely better than me at colouring !!!).

This is a common work and it was a great experience ! I really enjoyed it !

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