The World Manga School


Sekai Manga Juku is now finish for me, after one year ! I cannot show you my works because they are the Kadokawa Edition property but, if you're lucky, you can see some in the Young Ace Magasine, Kadokawa, from March 2014 to March 2015.
This year was rewarded by a certificate saying I attented manga lessons ! It's a great honour for me. I'm really proud.

My Sekai Manga Juku certificate


Sekai Manga Juku is a great project led by Eiji OTSUKA, manga teacher at Kobe university and also mangaka (MPD Psycho, Kurosagi corpse delivery service, Japan, ...). He realized few years ago that manga pass through the Japanese borders and traveled around the world. Others mangas were born in South Asia (China, Corea, Thailand, ...) and in Europe (France, ...) but are not really like Japanese manga, notably because of the different country's culture.
So he decided to create that project, with two purposes : first, to spread the Japanese technics to create a good manga ; second, to work on the manga's creation theory which is more intuitive than scientific for now.

Since December 2013, the spare-time school I work for is part of that project, becoming the very first representative of Sekai Manga Juku in France and in Europe. You can see the certificate here : Toulouse Manga (Warning ! This page is in french !).

About me, I am very proud and very lucky to be part of this project; It's a great opportunity for me to work with such a famous person and, of course, to improve my work in this field. I learn a lot, through every lessons I had and will have, and I can see my progression, which is very promising ! The link above lead you also to these lessons, but it is still in french !

In concrete terms, my work for Sekai Manga Juku is to adapt a scenario (from "Ryûjin-Numa" by Shôtarô ISHINOMORI) in manga's pages, respecting the creation rules I learnt. I will soon publish what I have done until now. I hope you will like it !

Thank you for reading. May.

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